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About The Seed Collective

The Seed Collective is a health & wellbeing consultancy specialising in providing home support services to individuals & families experiencing a life transition.  These experience's can range from expecting your first child to going through a family illness.


Initially The Seed Collective was about supporting families specifically going through the new parenting journey but it has been throughout my experiences of supporting families beyound the postpartum period of having a child that has led me to expanding the much needed offering of in-home support for any life transition.


Our lifes journey has many twists and turns, some things we happily and joyfully plan for while other experiences thrust us into the complete unexpected with no way of knowing how to navigate the terrain we now find ourselves facing.  The simplest of tasks can now be cause of great overwhelm as our bodies go into fight or flight and our stress hormones go through the roof.

It is during these times more emotional support is needed to provide the help that is needed for those effected to adjust to the new environment they find themselves in.


With so much to think about my team are there to make your journey less overwhelming and more supported by helping you with what you need at the time, and those needs can change day to day.   That is why I created The Seed Collective - to provide a place that has a range of services that can meet your needs that will cover all aspects of lifes transitions.


"The New Parenting Journey/, all aspects of creating and having a child, every time you have a new baby you are experiencing the new parenting journey." 


About the Founder - Jenna Logan


Jenna had a vision after having her daughter willow in 2014 that she would be working with pregnant women in preparing them for this journey of becoming a Mother and birthing there baby’s. Little did she know that that flash would evolve into a full health & wellbeing

consultancy specialising in all aspects of your new parenting journey. It has always been about making these services accessible for our Mothers with

the best practitioners. Jenna wanted to make it easy to take care of yourself and get the expert support you need, where you get ultimate support and care without having to do all the leg work.


Jenna’s love of family and since starting her own parenting journey has been spurred on with an unwavering desire to work with women and families going through their new parenting journey.

She gets her kicks from knowledge sharing and uplifting and empowering you during this phase of your life.

Jenna is part of the normalise birth movement, radical wellbeing movement, a birth & postpartum doula & pregnancy coach and placentophagy specialist and believes all birth is sacred and all Mothers need extra care during this time.


Why Choose The Seed Collective?


I found my calling to create a one stop shop off the back of having my little girl in 2014. At the time I was running a business, was newly engaged & planning our wedding.  I had lots of projects on the go.

Needless to say life was full! Adding a little baby in the mix was exciting and daunting at the same time. What I needed was a support system to help guide me in the areas that I was not the expert in. That is where my search started – to find my birth tribe. I likened it to a sport team which was easy for me to do as I played netball for most of my life and happened to be good at it & was fortunate

enough to learn that there is more than one person behind a good team. That gave me the insight to know that it doesn’t just take a coach to get the team performing but all the other areas as well – nutrition, fitness, psychology, acupuncture, physio just to name a few!

I started assembling my team but was I quickly discovered was that there was no one port of call I could go to get my needs tailored and catered for. We live in a modern era with so many conflicting pressures and we are TIME poor!


My birth experiences

Willow 2014 baby #1 We thought that by booking into one of Sydney’s best private hospitals that it would give us all the options we could potentially want and have the time on our side to do some research on our birthing options. This was not the case.

It was this process alone that had me think there has to be a better more comprehensive way to go through this process that will provide me with the answers of how to navigate this unchartered terrain. What I failed to realise is that my OBGYN was one part of many parts of my birth tribe as OBS only come at the end of the labour.  Sure the thought of being in hotel like accommodation after having baby appealed but I later realised this was not the be all and end all for me but I didn't have a high risk pregnancy where the relationship with your OB is at important as that of your midwife or doula as they are apart of your labour for as long as it takes. It was really my naivety that got the better of me in those early stages of planning my NPJ. My labour was text book, I went into labour naturally on Willows due date, the excitement in those early stages really zapped my energy by the time I got to the hospital I was only 2cm dilated and realised as soon as I arrived that even though I didn't want a VE I felt pressured into doing so.  I ended up going home and laboured a little longer before we returned and I was 4 cm.  Little did I know at the time that your dilation can change (go up and down) based on how comfortable you feel.  Makes sense but also brings me to wonder why hospitals use it as their measure on how you are progressing?

I laboured strongly throughout the night but when the sun came up things just seemed to stop. After trying many different active labour positions I had to pee and thats when my waters broke and I felt the urge to push. They told me to get on the bed and then the hardest 1.5 hours of my life began. It literally was so foreign to me and if I am completely honest I didnt really feel comfortable or secure. The lights were bright, my legs spread, then pulled into 'the chicken wing' all with gravity working against me.. but I pushed on literally and figuratively ... I had too. Our little girl was born, natural delivery with no interventions or drugs. My OB was awesome in trusting the process of my labour (which I was later to find out, is very rarely the case in a private hospital). I am grateful for the experience but realised I was one of the lucky ones. 


Riley 2017 baby #2 I had already entered the birth world when we found out we were expecting our second bub.  I knew how different my experience could be with the knowledge I had gained through my training and experiencing witnessing births.  We decided to do the midwifery group practice in the public system, hired a doula and I began one of my pregnancy programs. While the MGP was awesome and my midwife an absolute legend, the hospital policy began to overarch that awesome experience when I found myself go past my estimated due date (EDD).  Now I know that and now you do, The Australian & New Zealand Obstetric guidelines say that a women may safely go past her EDD up to 14 days before induction is offered.  I experienced first hand the pressures and biased of the public hospital system when you exercise you rights and knowledge on matters that go outside their 'policy'.  Being a pregnant woman who is experiencing all kinds of vulnerabilities along with trying to relax into labour and being told that they attending OB wouldn't come and talk to me because I was going outside of policy and that if I wanted to have the test to see how much fluid was around my baby I would have to pay privately for the same reason.. outside policy.  I knew my baby was ok, my intuition told me so, I monitored his movements and was doing all I could naturally to go into labour.  After a natural acupuncture induction at 41wks +4 I went into labour at home, my surges got intense very fast, I stayed in the shower a lot and my husband quietly watch me.  He made the call to get our doula around and thank god he did cause she took one look at me and calmly said that we need to get to the hospital.  An intense 8 minute drive later (it was all the speed bumps during surges!)  we arrived, got into the birthing suit and I delivered my baby in a speedy water birth 20 minutes later.  My midwife arrived just before his head came out and it was wonderful.  I did not have one vaginal exam my entire pregnancy, I didn't partake in any test or screen or vaccination that I didn't want to. I was fully informed of every choice, alternative, risk, benefit of everything we did.  We preserved the environment to allow me to feel safe when we got to the hospital and I trusted that my body and my baby knew what to do.. and we did.  I had a 1st degree tear and terrible haemorrhoids from the speed of his entry earthside but all things that heal with care and rest of which I had a lot of.  It was a birth that was healing for me in many ways and one that I am truely grateful for having.  What I will say is that it took work and birth workers that supported and were experienced in the type of birth I envisaged and I am grateful to those women for the amazing work they do.


Baby #3 due December 2018 After having two births in different environments and again after all the exposure and experience I have had, I have decided on a home birth.  Homebirth is made near impossible through legislation and insurances that private midwifes have to charge.  The benefits out way the risks for someone like me and I am fully confident to birth my baby at home. It is so important for me to have the kids involved and experience this gift.  For us all to be together, well for me I cant imagine anything more special for our family.


What I have learn't from my experiences is the birth is tangible, every birth is different and you have to be prepared for the ebs and flows of your journey.  How you do that is by doing the work and through that finding the trust in yourself, your baby and your birth team to have the experience you desire and set the foundation to bring your baby home in.  Being able to reflect on your birth experience positively regardless of those peaks and troughs and twists and turns is so important to your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.  The way you birth your baby will directly impact your postpartum, how your body heals and how you are able to bond with your baby having the most ideal setting and knowing what to do if you are faced with a different alternative.  Quite often the difference in having that outlook is having the knowledge, support and being able to articulate yourself with certainty.. and that comes from doing the work and enlisting the professional help of independent birth workers.  So don't leave it to chance or in the hands of someone else.  Be informed and empowered to work with your primary carer to create a mutual respect where your wishes are more important than policy.  


The Seed Collective is a space where all of your options are explored fully, where you will get unconditional support no matter what you decide along with the tools to make informed and empowered decisions.  Your experience is a sacred rite of passage.  Along with our tailored services we also have a number of preferred practitioner relationships of experienced womens health specialists to refer our clients to get a full complement of care.  From massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, acupressure, naturopathy, kinesiology to name a few.


Taking an active role to your health and wellbeing is important and it becomes even more of a focus when you are carrying your own child or preparing to become a parent. We create tailored programs that will have you feeling great and embracing every part of your journey with the best team for your individual needs, lifestyle and beliefs.  There is no need to do it alone but rather adopt that old adage that ‘it takes a village’! Let us help you do that 




Why Choose The Seed Collective?


Taking a holistic approach to wellbeing is smart – Sports teams have been doing it for years, not only do they have a head coach but a forwards and backs coach, a physiotherapist, trainer, sports psych, massage therapist, nutritionists and the list goes on.

In business we have mentors, coaches, personal trainers, membership organisations that support our development and ability to do what

is required of them. In any transformative experience we face in life we call on the experts to help guide us through, so why not in birth, undoubtedly one of the biggest transformations you will face in your lifetime!


The Seed Collective has been designed to have these support services available to our clients straight away where we work with you to introduce you to the team that meets your needs, and you will have access to the best. From personal experience when I fell pregnant with my little girl, Willow, I was working full time running my own business and I didn’t have the time to plan or look into modalities and remedies that would help me during my pregnancy. It was a lot of hit and miss and I couldn’t find one person who had a good

overview of the system in Australia to give me unbiased advice on what was out there

and where I could get the results that I was looking for quickly.


We understand the pressures of living in today’s society and knowing that when you have a baby how life changes, we wanted to create a service that could support our families to get off to the best start and continue that throughout their journey.



We would be thrilled to meet you!

Jenna & the team

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