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Recommendations from WHO on achieving a positive birth experience.

Here is a snap shot people of the recent evidence based recommendations from the World Health Organisation on Intrapartum care for a positive childbirth experience.

Being aware of the work WHO are doing and what their recommendations are will give you insight to what you should expect at a minimum to have a positive childbirth experience. How you birth your baby will have long terms effects on your emotional and mental wellbeing as well as the physical effects, not to mention your birth experience will directly impact your postpartum period.

This is about making the mothers care the focal point and not interventions governed by policy and hospital procedure in order to give birth on a schedule.

“Women are also reporting high level of disrespect and abusive care during facility-based childbirth in all regions and cultures.” Dr. Princess Nothemba Simelela WHO Assistant Director-General for Family, Women, Children and Adolescents

Some suggestions to ensure you are feeling comfortable with the choices you are making and where you are birthing:

1. Discuss your birth plan in advance

2. Ask about hospital policies that could be referred to

3. Make a list of questions to discuss at your antenatal visits

4. Do your own research

5. Have a pregnancy coaching session to help you navigate this new terrain

5. Do a tour of the birthing suite and labour suits of the hospital you are booked in to.

7. Have a doula to ensure your wishes are being met so your main support partner can support you emotionally.

For more on the recommendations go to this website

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