Birth Mentoring
Birth & Postpartum Doula Support & Placenta Encapsulation Central Coast, NSW
Birth Doula Support
Embodied Package
Not taking bookings - until 2026
For the parents who want to be supported every step of the way. This package includes:
- unlimited text & email contact
- 3 long visits in your home
- Attend the entire birth from when you want me with you
- 2 postpartum visits
- Placenta Encapsulation (value $300)
- 3 days worth of ayurvedic postpartum meals (prepared by me, the founder of Meals 4 Mummas!)
- Full Access to my resource library
- 32 page birth prep workbook
Investment $2555
Postpartum Doula Support
Not taking bookings until 2026
Mothering the Mother. For the family who recognizes the wellbeing of the Mother as the priority. This package incudes:
x2 in home postpartum planning sessions antenatally
x10, 3 hour in home sessions
- Meal preparation
- Toddler support/care
- Belly binding
- Recovery focus, with massage, infrared support, moxa
- light in-home duties
- Placenta Encapsulation
- email and text support
- 32 page postpartum planning workbook
Investment $2555
Birth Mentorship
The shift from maiden to Mother or as many times as you experience the transformation of becoming a Mother once more is a massive change you experience on all levels.
What mentoring looks like with me:
- x7 1 hour phone calls
- x2 pregnancy circles with other expectant Mothers
- Partner Preparation
What we cover:
unlocking your innate feminine wisdom
tapping into your unique birth blueprint
learning about your lineage of birth
embodiment practice to connect you to your baby, your body and familiarize yourself with the sensasations of birth
Did you know?
That having a doula is not just limited to birth or end of life doula support?
Birth & Postpartum Doula Support & Placenta Encapsulation Central Coast, NSW
Doula a greek term meaning “woman/person of service”.
Doulas are full of wisdom, love and ultimately driven to serve the people they have the honor of working with.
A Doula is non-medically trained. Our role is to provide non-judgemental emotional, physical, mental and spiritual support.
I am experienced and posses the key attributes that a doula must possess in order to go into someone's home. I come with a wealth of knowledge and experience in other health and wellbeing modalities such as specific ayurvedic postpartum healing and recovery methods, yoga, naturopathy, nutrition, early childhood, massage and counselling. I am highly organised to managed life administration and take on tasks that you don't have the physical or mental space to take on. Apart from the above named the quality that I hold most dear for this work is being unconditional and non-judgemental - a strong allie and source of support who is in your corner all the way. Being able to read the situation at hand and adapt accordingly is an art and one I feel I have gotten better with every time I complete time with a person I have the honor to support in this way.
Our life's journey has many twists and turns, some things we happily and joyfully plan for while other experiences thrust us into the complete unexpected with no way of knowing how to navigate the terrain we now find ourselves facing. The simplest of tasks can now be cause of great overwhelm as our bodies go into fight or flight and our stress hormones go through the roof.
It is during these times more emotional support is needed to provide the help that is needed for those effected to adjust to the new environment they find themselves in or simply provide peace of mind knowing someone is walking along side you unconditionally.
With so much to think about I am there to make your journey less overwhelming and more supported by helping you with what you need at the time, and those needs can change day to day. That is why I created The Seed Collective - to provide a place that has a range of services that can meet your needs that will cover all aspects of life's transitions.
In our modern world doulas are needed in varying life transitions.
A doulas training is centred around the gaining the ability to hold space and offer non-judgemental support while being able to build relationships and become a trusted advisor with capabilities to help you or your family thrive.
A doula is a smart way to ensure that you have the information and support you need to make empowered decisions for you and your family. Having a confidant who is on your side, not there to judge but to support and pick up the slack for you in anyway that is going to add value are some of the reasons why a doula is the type of support you need.
All doula programs and fees vary depending on the type and duration of time together.
Our life's journey has many twists and turns, some things we happily and joyfully plan for while other experiences thrust us into the complete unexpected with no way of knowing how to navigate the terrain we now find ourselves facing. The simplest of tasks can now be cause of great overwhelm as our bodies go into fight or flight and our stress hormones go through the roof.
It is during these times more emotional support is needed to provide the help that is needed for those effected to adjust to the new environment they find themselves in or simply provide peace of mind knowing someone is walking along side you unconditionally.
With so much to think about my team are there to make your journey less overwhelming and more supported by helping you with what you need at the time, and those needs can change day to day. That is why I created The Seed Collective - to provide a place that has a range of services that can meet your needs that will cover all aspects of life's transitions.
Meet Jenna
Jenna completed her Doula training through The Australian Doula College and was trained by world renowned Renee Adair, she has also completed her Postpartum Doula Training with Newborn Mothers and is a IPEN Accredited & Trained Placenta Specialist, she has her Certificate in Nutrition for fertility, pregnancy and postpartum, is a Honoring Heart Womens Circle Facilitator and completed birth trauma training for birth professionals , she is an EmobodyBirthTM International Birth Education, Maiden to Mother Teacher Trainer & Rites of Passage Leader and Facilitator.
About Jenna the Doula/Birth Keeper
“Inspired Life Experiences”
I believe in having choices and to have choices we must first know what they are.
We live in a world where we too often blindly trust what we have been told without trusting our own instincts
or have done our own research. I love educating and sharing knowledge so you can make empowered and informed choices in a safe and supported environment while embarking on this major life transition.
I love working with women and families that want to make their health & wellbeing a priority and live there best life.
Having the emotional support to tend to the experience you are facing can be the difference between thriving or surviving. Having a doula allows you to have that necessary emotional support that provides you with the confidence to navigate the terrain you are facing.
Providing a safe place for you to explore your feelings, emotions and assist you where necessary in planning a path ahead is what I love about this work as without having this leaves a massive gap in reaching your outcome.
I come from a family where I was blessed with two sisters – we have most certainly had own moments over the years but what I have learned and what I know, is the importance of sisterhood; the supporting & cheerleading of each others experiences; holding the space and respecting one another’s choices and being able to do it without judgment but with love knowing we are all doing our best.
I can do this for other women because of the rich experiences I have had and because I have been doing it my whole life.
I now have the specific training behind me to offer the knowledge that my clients are craving.
It would be my honor to walk beside you as you experience your sacred journey.
Submit your enquiry and connect with Jenna to discuss how a doula can support you.